Read Ahead Reading and Life Skills Development: Teachers Manual with Tests


Integrating life and academic skills to address a broad range of student needs is one of today¿s most challenging aspects of teaching. Read Ahead 2 helps intermediate-level students acquire skills necessary for independent reading and academic success, while also offering valuable life and work preparation. (ISBN: 9780131117853 – When referring to this item please quote our stock ID: 7801)

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Integrating life and academic skills to address a broad range of student needs is one of today¿s most challenging aspects of teaching. Read Ahead 2 helps intermediate-level students acquire skills necessary for independent reading and academic success, while also offering valuable life and work preparation. (ISBN: 9780131117853 – When referring to this item please quote our stock ID: 7801)

Read Ahead Reading and Life Skills Development: Teachers Manual with Tests

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