Low level listening resource containing 245 short conversational and transactional dialogues in modern Australian English, for listening and pronunciation practice.
This is the book only, to purchase Audio CD please see separate listing.
Topics include:
•at school
•at work
•getting around
•job search
•local services
•on the phone
Functions include:
•asking for help and directions
•talking at the supermarket checkout and the post office
•buying phone credit
•paying a bill
•making small talk
•buying tickets
•accepting and refusing offers
•speaking on the phone
•talking to the doctor
•registering at a Job Network Provider
•picking up children from childcare
•sharing good and bad news
and much more!
Suitable for adult and upper secondary ESL, ELICOS
Level: Elementary, post-beginner, CSWE l-ll (ISBN: 9780730656777 – When referring to this item please quote our stock ID: 18149)